Thursday, May 30, 2013

Advice for Highschool

I asked my dad for advice for highs chool last night. He had a pretty good lists of things to say. Dad said that high school is an important time of a teenagers life. He regrets not doing some things that he had the opportunity to do. He said to do your work, be good, and go to class.

I have gotten a lot of advice from my sister when I ask her. She is a Junior in high school so she kind of knows what shes talking about. Honestly, I don't think high school will be that scary. Everybody goes through it. My sister went through without any huge advice and she was fine. She told me to not get too cocky with the upperclassmen and to study and do your best. She told me that Sophomore year is definitely the hardest.
Overall, I think the advice I recieved from my family was good, but not needed. I think I will do fine in high school and I can find my own way. I have friends that are in high school. I hope everything will turn out well!

Friday, May 17, 2013

School in a Perfect World

In a perfect world, I would have school be longer. Except on Tuesdays and Fridays, the days are shorter. It would be so much better. The weekends would be longer but the school days would be short. There would be more time for after school activities like baseball, basketball, football, and track. Many students would gain from this new change.

There would be no homework at all. In fact, we wouldn't even do that much in school. It'd just be socializing and food. It'd be great.  This school needs that. Some students don't understand how to socialize in certain situations. It would be cool to eat more exotic foods at school everyday.

Also, I would like just having school begin later in the day. It is too early for us to do our homework and studies. Do you know how awesome that would be for us to not have to get up every morning and not be really tired? I would love this exceptional idea to come true.  Kids will then be a. Also, many other people are not exhausted.

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Believe

I believe I can accomplish anything I can if I really try and put in effort. There are many times when I have not accomplished something, but then work towards my goal and I achieve it. Some examples have to do with sports or school. 

I have heard about other people's stories about their struggle, and how they overcame that by putting their head to it. They were motivated and hard workers to get to their goal. For example, the guy Mrs. Latz had us read about took four years to learn to read. That is a long time. He was definitely motivated. I have seen some of my friends go after school and work on their sports goals so they can get a lot better. I also do that. After baseball practice I usually go and hit at the cages so I can get better.

Some of my goals are mainly related to sports. I already have achieved my goals in school. I really do think that people that are motivated enough can achieve their goals. They can focus up, set their priorities, and get started on their road to achievement.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Like cougars? Well I sure do!!! Go check this page out!!Cougars He gives all the information you need to learn about them. They are great photos of cougars too. It has a great post talking about all the species!! Check out this blog!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A disease I wish did not exist is cancer. I wish all types of cancer were gone. They are not useful at all. Cancer is technically defined as when cells multiply in an uncontrolled way. They then come together to form tumors.

5 facts about cancer:

  1. Cancer genetics can be passed down through generations.
  2. Cigarettes are known to increase the chance of lung cancer.
  3. Cancer is not contagious. 
  4. You can get rid of cancer with surgery. 
  5. You can git rid of cancer with radiotherapy.
A way you can become more aware of cancer is visiting this website:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dessert Dance

This is not basketball related, but if you want to read about the Dessert Dance, keep reading. I think we should have our Dessert Dance theme as Neverland. It will look good and the theme is somewhat neutral for boys and girls. It will be easier to design for and paint for compared to Night in Hawaii. I think the decorations should have grass and the island in the distance. For the photo booth, it should have us inside an alligator's mouth because of the big alligator. To help contribute to this night, I will bring in some desserts to make it super tasty.

Kobe Out For Season

I can't believe Kobe's out whith a torn achilles. At least he made 2 freethrows after it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Definitely the best basketball player to ever live..

Jackie Moon

Tuesday, April 9, 2013